
Tips on Getting Rid Of Dust Mites Through Cleaning and Laundry

Have you ever wondered where dust mites come from, why they exist and how can you get rid of them? This article will definitely help you with getting rid of dust mites. 

We all know that dust is all around us in our homes, workplace, vehicles, and where there are humans and dust, there are dust mites…Dust mites are also known as bed mites. They are tiny insects that feed off dead skin flakes found on bed sheets, pillows, fabric, and specks of dust around your home. Although they don’t bite like bed bugs or head lice or spread disease, they can worsen allergies and asthma. It is the waste matter from the mites that cause allergic responses.

Dust mites are too small to be seen with the naked eye. Since they are so small, they float into the air when a fabric is disturbed, carpet is walked on, or when a vacuum is used. It is when they float that the dust mite droppings and pieces of dead dust mites most trigger allergies and can even cause asthma.

The Highest Concentrations of Dust Mites are Found in the Following:

  • Carpeting
  • Mattresses 
  • Bedding 
  • Upholstered Furniture
  • Stuffed Animals

Allergens can be any substance that causes an allergic reaction. 

Common Household Allergens 

  • dust mites 
  • insect droppings
  • pollen
  • pet dander
  • molds

Luckily, there are many methods that you can reduce the misery by cleaning correctly to remove allergens. Regular weekly cleaning of your home is an important part of an allergy management plan. 

In the Living Room 

Living spaces at home should be cleaned at least weekly. It is recommended to vacuum the carpet every other day to capture the most allergens. 

  • Start cleaning at the top of the room so that dust and allergens drift down to be captured by a damp mop or vacuum. 

  • If you have plants, cover the soil with decorative rocks or marbles to help contain the natural molds that can grow in damp soil. Artificial plants should be dusted weekly and periodically given a shower to remove dust.
  • Rather than use chemical air fresheners, consider simmering citrus peels or spices like cinnamon and nutmeg to freshen the air.

The Key to Controlling Dust Mites

Minimize the number of places they can thrive. One of the best steps that you can do is removing wall-to-wall carpeting. Nonetheless, it is also essential to regularly clean area rugs and washes throw rugs. 

  • If you do have wall-to-wall carpet, have it steam cleaned regularly because the heat of the steam will kill the dust mites.

  • Choose leather or vinyl upholstery rather than fabric. Or, make the upholstery easier to clean by using washable accessories like sofa covers and removable covers on throw pillows. Use a dust mite sanitizer vacuum on fabrics that cannot be washed.
  • Skip heavy drapes that can not be washed. Opt for washable fabrics, shades, blinds, or shutters.

In the Bedroom 

The bedroom is the number one space where dust mites can be found. It is because of the bed linens, bed sheets, pillows, comforters, and duvet covers are the perfect materials for dust mites to thrive. 

The best way to minimize the number of dust mite droppings is by doing laundry often and handling fabrics correctly. Thus, it is also vital to choose linens that can withstand frequent washing.

  • Clean the bedroom weekly, starting at the top and working down.
  • Dust ceiling fans and light fixtures, blinds, and/or wash curtains. Dust any furniture and use the hand tools, vacuum upholstered furniture. 

  • Vacuum the floor including the spaces under the bed and furniture.
  • For the fewest allergens, remove wall-to-wall carpeting and use hardwood or solid tile flooring and washable area rugs in the bedroom.

  • Clean your closet by taking out all the clothes or other items and clean the closet from the inside. Use a vacuum cleaner or manually wipe off traces of dust or dirt on the surface. 
  • Pay close attention to the corners of the closet and make sure that there are no dust bunnies present or huddled up in the corner.
  • Keep closet doors closed to reduce the transfer of allergens from clothing. Use covered plastic bins that can be cleaned easily to store unused items. 

  • If you have dust mites problems in the bedroom, the bedsheets, blankets, and bed covers should be changed frequently and washed at least weekly in hot water (130 to 140 F) to kill the bed mites.
  • Coldwater will not always remove the allergens. However, if you prefer to use cold water, be sure to tumble dry the linens in a hot dryer for at least ten consecutive minutes at 130 F to kill the mites. 

  • Changing the pillowcases more frequently like every other day is highly recommended for those with allergies and asthma. 
  • There are also some fabric-covered items like mattresses, box springs, and upholstered furniture that cannot be easily washed. To remove dust mites, consider a fabric allergen sanitizer vacuum. 

In the Bathroom 

The humidity of the bathroom helps reduce dry skin and will cause the dust mites to thrive. The most dangerous allergens in bathrooms are mold and mildew. 

  • You can remove mildew growth with chlorine bleach, hydrogen peroxide, or a commercial mildew cleaner. Keep in mind always to read directions carefully and NEVER mix different chemicals.

  • To remove mildew build-up, mix a solution of three parts water to one part bleach. Wear rubber gloves and ventilate the area well, use a stiff brush to scrub the affected areas. 
  • For tight corners, saturate paper towels with the bleach/water solution and apply the towels to the mold. Allow them to remain in place for ten to 15 minutes and then scrub and rinse. 

  • After every use, towel-dry the tub or shower enclosure. Check the tub, showerhead, sink, and toilet fixtures frequently for leaks and repair immediately.

  • Always hang towels to dry between uses. Towels and bath mats should be washed at least after two or three uses and in hot water.
  • Wash rugs, bathmats, and shower curtains frequently to inhibit mildew growth.

  • If you have a child with asthma or allergies, stuffed toys should be washed frequently – especially if the child sleeps with the toy. Most fabric toys can also be cleaned.

The acts of cleaning especially if it hasn’t been done in quite a while can trigger allergy symptoms as dust and other allergens are stirred up.

CLEANING is essential and should never be neglected especially for several weeks. 

For your laundry needs, let Lucy’s Laundry and Dry Cleaning be a part of your cleaning routine. We know how to take care of and clean any kind of fabric. We pick up, wash, dry, fold, and deliver all in 24 hours so you can get back to doing the things you love!

We offer 20% OFF on your next load of laundry and ONE Comforter cleaned for FREE! Schedule your laundry appointment today!


You Can Save Energy On Laundry Day

Laundry is no one’s favorite chore! It doesn’t help that washers and dryers are among the costliest appliances to operate. The reality is that we are stuck with doing laundry chores at least a few loads of laundry each week, 

Are you looking for ways to do your part to conserve energy? 

Read on to know that it’s worth taking steps to reduce energy use.

When is the best time to wash clothes? 

Your washing machine will use the same amount of energy regardless of what time you run it. When you choose to do laundry has an impact on how much energy your washer and dryer consume. However, depending on your energy provider’s rates, you can often save on your energy bill by washing your clothes at different times of the day.

  • Try washing before 12 PM. or after 7 PM. The best time to wash clothes to save energy is usually outside peak demand hours. Many energy companies charge extra for electricity during their “peak hours,” which see increased energy usage. 
  • During the summer, run your washer early in the morning – energy use peaks on hot afternoons. 
  • Winter weather drives demand for electricity earlier in the morning, so wash your clothes late at night. 

Create a laundry schedule with specific details on how many washes and types of load you are doing. This way will make your laundry routine work with your specific home, life, and family in mind and never run out of clean clothes again. Understanding how your current habits affect washer energy usage is the first step toward a more energy-efficient laundry system. 

How do you save money when doing the laundry?

Coldwater Washes 

Washing your clothes in cold water could save you $60 a year. Washing in cold water is also more than just a smart laundry energy-saving tip. Lower temperatures can help your clothes last longer by protecting dyes and preventing shrinkage.

Opt for Air Dry or Use Drying Racks 

Air drying can help spare your energy bill an extra dry cycle and adds to your favorite T-shirt’s shelf life. Air-drying clothes on indoor clothing racks or outdoor clotheslines is the most cost-effective way to reduce laundry energy consumption. Air-drying may take longer, however, and the effectiveness of drying clothes outdoors, it goes without saying, is dependent on the weather.

Go for Bigger Loads

When it comes to small vs. large loads of laundry, a full load is a more energy-efficient option. If you need to do a smaller load, be sure to choose the appropriate size setting on your washing machine. 

The same goes for dryer energy usage. Dry only full loads, and try to dry two or more loads in a row to take advantage of retained heat from the previous drying cycle.

Clean the Dryer’s Lint Trap

Clean your dryer’s lint filter every time you dry a load of laundry. Doing so improves airflow and dryer efficiency while reducing the risk of fire. Dryer lint is extremely flammable and can combust in hot environments. 

Set-Up Sensor Drying Mode

Set up sensor drying if you have it. Overdrying clothes is a waste of energy. If your dryer has a sensor drying function, use it to detect low moisture levels so you aren’t tumble-drying and heating already dry clothes.

Use Dryer at Night

Dryers emit heat, which puts pressure on your HVAC system. To reduce the effect a dryer has on your home environment, run it at night when temperatures are lower.

Choose Natural Gas Over Electric Dryer

All clothes dryers use some electricity. Electricity powers the drums that tumble the clothes. Where the potential savings comes in is with the energy that heats the air drying the clothes. It’s here that natural gas is the winner.  Natural gas dryers heat up and dry clothing faster, shortening load times and reducing energy consumption. 

Go for Front-loading Washing Machine 

Front-loaders may typically have a greater tub capacity which means that it can run fewer loads to clean the same amount of laundry. It also tends to remove more water during the spin cycles, which in turn means less energy is needed to dry the clothes, assuming you’re using a clothes dryer. If you air dry, all things are equal obviously. Top-loading washing machines also use more energy to agitate the clothing.

I hope this article has enlightened you on saving energy on your laundry. If you are looking for a laundry service, let Lucy’s Laundry and Dry Cleaning redefine your laundry routine.  

We are the #1 laundry Service for Busy Parents and Professionals. We give you back your valuable time by taking laundry off your hands… for good!

We offer 50% Off on comforters for the entire summer and 25% Off on your first laundry order. Schedule your laundry appointment today >>>

Keeping Your Laundry Clean In this Crucial Time

Keeping your laundry clean is the primary goal of Lucy’s Laundry and Dry Cleaning. Most especially in these challenging times while dealing with a serious virus. 

It’s surreal with so many changes currently happening in our world. The team at Lucy’s Laundry is doing all that we can to comply with all safety regulations and protect our valued customers.

  • We are doing our part to support the fight against COVID19. 
  • Lucy’s Laundry Team makes sure your laundry is being cleaned and sanitized. 
  • We have been taking extra precautions to ensure that we create a clean and safe environment for both our customers and our employees. 

Your safety and the safety of others all depends on us coming together as a community. Our cooperation with one another is important to avoid the spread of viruses. 

It is our responsibility, to our community, to place guidelines that will help you and those surrounding you to properly wash your clothing in a way to help eliminate and prevent spreading viruses.

Regular cleaning of clothes will help in the prevention of spreading diseases. Thus, we have gathered several guidelines for you to help prevent the spread of the virus.

Here are Lucy’s Laundry Guidelines:

  • Do not shake dirty laundry. This minimizes the possibility of dispersing the virus through the air. Wash items in accordance with the directions. 
  • If possible, launder items using the warmest appropriate water setting for the items, and dry items completely. (Please note that dirty laundry that has been in contact with an infected person can safely be washed with other people’s items).
  • The hotter the wash, the better! (The CDC recommends washing items in a temperature of at least 140 degrees).
  • Use the dryer. According to research, viruses hate heat. Therefore, drying clothes will further prevent the spread of the disease.
  • Use the right amount of soap. Too much soap creates excess suds that enable dirt and grime to remain trapped inside the fabric. The right amount of soap will properly clean and then be rinsed from the clothing. 
  • Clean and disinfect clothes baskets, carts, and hampers. Clean these items as often as possible and use a bag liner, if available.

  • Above all, Wash your hands! 
    1. Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold)
    2. Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails.
    3. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. I suggest humming the “Happy Birthday” song from beginning to end twice. 
    4. Rinse your hands well under clean, running water. 
    5. Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them.

We will also be doing our part in helping prevent the spread of viruses with the following actions:

High Touch Sanitizing 

  • Lucy’s Laundry team is sanitizing high-touch surfaces every 2 hours for your safety. High touch surfaces including wash buttons, dials, and X-Changers.

Attendant Shifts & Gloves

  • Lucy’s Laundry team will be wearing gloves during all interactions with each other and customers.  
  • Attendant shifts will abide by social distancing to reduce attendant-to-attendant contact. 
  • All attendants will require doctor clearance if they display signs of sickness.

Wash Cycles & Detergent

  • We have confirmed with our vendors that our fluff- n- fold detergent is effective against viruses.  
  • Where possible, we will be moving to high-heat wash and high-heat dry.

Self-Serve Customers 

  • As a precaution, if a customer is displaying any signs of illness, we will be kindly asking them to leave the laundry in order to protect fellow customers, and employees. 

Lucy’s Laundry and Dry Cleaning offers different services:

  • Fluff n Fold Laundry Service
  • Commercial Laundry Service
  • Dry Cleaning Service
  • Self-Service Laundromat

Lucy’s Laundry and Dry Cleaning recognizes the importance of serving the community in these difficult times. That is why we are committed to helping and support you in this battle. 

Please feel free to reach out with any questions or comments.  Our hours of operation will remain consistent.  Any changes will be announced promptly as we follow the recommendations of the CDC and the American Government. 

We are the #1 full service residential and commercial laundry facility serving LA, OC, and the Inland Empire. Above all, we will continue to do so during this difficult time.

On behalf of Lucy’s Laundry team, we appreciate our community and look forward to working together to get through this challenging time. Together, we will heal as one,

Schedule your appointment today.

Lucy’s Laundry and Dry Cleaning Commitment to Serve

Lucy’s Laundry and Dry Cleaning is committed to serving you, especially in these difficult times. 

We are doing our part in helping to prevent the spread of the virus. The safety of our laundry team, clients, and customers is our highest priority. 

We offer different services that will definitely give you many reasons to choose Lucy’s Laundry when it comes to your laundry. 

Lucy’s Team makes sure we are providing you convenient high-quality service and a one-stop laundry service along with dry cleaning to your front door. We will happily pick up, wash, dry, and deliver in 24 hours at your home, hotel, or office. 

Lucy’s Laundry and Dry Cleaning 4 Core Services:

Fluff n Fold Laundry 

  1. When Lucy’s Laundry driver picks up your clothes, they will label it and place it in the vehicle. 
  2. As soon as your laundry is brought to our facility, it is weighed and retagged using our computer system. 
  3. Lucy’s Laundry attendant is assigned to your laundry from start to finish. Through each step in the process, your laundry is tagged. 
  4. Using high-tech front load washers and our custom engineered detergents, we keep your whites white and your colors bright. 
  5. We fold and sort your garments just as if they were presented to you by the retailer you bought them from. 
  6. We match socks and turn them right side out. 
  7. We then seal and package the groups for storage, or travel, or for the ease of putting away when they arrive. 
  8. We even hang collared shirts and pants that are ready to wear or can be kept directly in your closet. 
  9. We want you to feel like you are bringing home new clothes every time you open your laundry. 
  10. Before your laundry goes out for delivery, we reweigh it and check against the incoming weights for our final quality control check.

Commercial Laundry 

We service commercial businesses including hotels, restaurants, spas, hair and nail salons, churches, medical/dental practices, and fitness clubs all at competitive prices. In addition to that, we also service corporate businesses for employee concierge laundry and dry cleaning.

We offer this service with a big NO to the following: 

  • No contracts
  • No lost laundry
  • No extra charges
  • No Fuel Surcharge On Delivery
  • No Harsh Chemicals And Smells

We wash your laundry separately. We also offer flat press ironing work. You can try our service free of charge (25 lbs) and without obligation. We welcome small businesses. You will pay by the pound and not by the piece. 

Dry Cleaning Service

Lucy’s Laundry team is GREEN. This means that we make sure that the products and processes we provide are environmentally friendly. As a result, we provide GREEN (no harsh smelly chemicals) dry cleaning services for a one-stop service for all your laundry needs. 

Here are a few other things we are doing to provide Eco-friendly services to our customers:

  • We have new energy-efficient state of the art commercial washing machines in our facility that save on energy and water consumption
  • We use an environmentally-safe laundry detergent that does not pollute the environment. 
  •  Tank-less energy-efficient heaters supplied our filtered hot water
  • We recycle our wire hangers.
  • Electric delivery vehicles are one of our future plans.

Self-service Laundromat 

This service offers coin-operated washing machines and dryers for public use.  We offer a 10% cash bonus. We have a new state of the art on technology in our washers and dryers. 

The laundromat area is always clean and well-lighted. It has an abundant supply of filtered water with a tank-less hot water heater. 

The security cameras will definitely make you feel secured.  In addition to that, we provide free WiFi and 3 flat-screen TV’ to watch your favorite shows or movies while doing laundry.  This makes Lucy’s Laundry facility a perfect place to bring your kids with you while doing laundry. As a result, the laundry will never be a boring chore. 

We use the Vulcan water conditioner which is a high technology water treatment that cleans water-born solids.  You will notice the difference in that you use less detergent and your clothes will feel softer, clearer, and brighter.

We are the #1 full service residential and commercial laundry facility serving LA and OC. Above all, we are committed to serving you. Click here to schedule today to set up your  laundry service.