
What Can You Take To The Dry Cleaning Service?

The dry cleaning process implies cleaning clothes or fabrics by using a liquid solvent that contains little or no water. Water is the only thing that separates laundry cleaning from dry cleaning. While dry cleaning the surface of fabrics, it does not perforate the fibers like water does in a washing machine. 

History of Dry Cleaning 

Just a little trip back to history, dry cleaning came about by accident in 1855. a French dye-works owner detected that his table cloth became cleaner after his maid accidentally spilled a kerosene lamp on it. The accident made the dye-works owner offer a new service and called it “Dry Cleaning.” 

This is one reason why dry cleaners in ancient times used a variety of solvents including gasoline and kerosene to clean clothes and fabrics. After World War II, the volatile synthetic solvents carbon tetrachloride and trichloroethylene gave way to a product known as perchloroethylene (perc), which became the overwhelming solvent choice for the dry cleaning industry. It did a much better cleaning even if it was not safer and faster. It required less massive equipment, less floor space, and could be installed in retail locations offering excellent quality one-hour service.

Just a bit of friendly advice before dry cleaning, you have to carefully look at the laundry label tags of each fabric that says “Dry Clean Only” for you to know if they are safe to be dry cleaned. 

A care label that says “dry clean” means that dry cleaning is recommended and you might be able to wash the garment at home. Before you wash the item:

  1. Check that the fabric is colorfast. 
  2. Dab a little water on an inconspicuous spot. 
  3. If any dye comes off, take it to be dry-cleaned

Lucy’s Laundry and Dry Cleaning aims to help make your laundry life a bit easier, here is our compiled list of fabrics that should always be taken to the dry cleaners. 

Fabrics that should go to dry cleaners:

  • Fabrics with linen can be hand washed in cold and air dry but may require ironing. Linen is made from flax fibers and is known for being cool and fresh in hot weather. If washed incorrectly, it can lose its crispness and clean finishing. Dry cleaning is often best for linen clothing.
  • Special garments made of taffeta, silk, wool, velvet, acetate, and fabric blends that include rayon, silk, and wool should be professionally dry-cleaned unless the care label says differently: 


  • Rayon is semi-synthetic which makes it a tricky kind of fabric. It is made from purified cellulose fiber. 
  • It shrinks or loses its shape when washed in warm water. Dyes may bleed when washed. 
  • Hand washing in cold water with mild detergent is an option, but it is generally safer to dry clean this fabric.


  • Silk is known as a luxurious and durable fabric that has natural material. 
  • It takes proper care to keep it soft and silky. The dyes in silk tend to bleed and that is why it should be dry cleaned or hand washed in cold water. 
  • The use of mild detergent is highly recommended. 
  • Dry cleaning silk tends to be easier especially if it’s an article of clothing you really care about.


  • Wool is a sturdy and durable fabric should be dry cleaned whenever possible. 
  • Handwash the wool fabric in cold water If a dry cleaning process is not possible. 
  • Avoid washing the wool fabric in any warm or hot water as it will shrink or lose its shape. 
  • Leather or suede garments should be dry-cleaned. Their special fibers, textures, and shapes do not fare well with at-home care. 

Fabrics that should not go to dry cleaners:


Most cotton clothing has been preshrunk, too, so drying in a machine is safe. You’ll want to machine wash cold or warm with similar colors. 

Synthetic fabrics

Synthetic fabrics like polyester, nylon, spandex, acrylic, and acetate. These kinds of fabrics won’t shrink so it’s safe to wash in warm water. I suggest you still must handle it gently or low on drying because they can permanently wrinkle in a hot dryer. They also produce a lot of static in the dryer so use a dryer sheet or hang dry.

Clothing that is lined (such as jackets or coats), pleated skirts, and garments made of fabric that shrinks or is not colorfast should be professionally cleaned. 

Benefits of Professional Cleaning 

Dry cleaning doesn’t have to be a lot of work. That is where professional cleaning takes charge and will definitely save you from replacing quality items in your wardrobe. Garments sent to professional cleaners will help maintain the correct garment shape and fit. 

Simply planning a scheduled time of the week or month that you can send off all the necessary items to be cleaned. This way will save you time and money. 

Don’t have time to make it to the laundry facility yourself? 

Not a problem at all! Lucy’s Laundry and Dry Cleaning has a team of trained laundry experts who know how to handle with care every kind of garment.  

We are the #1 laundry service for busy parents and professionals. We pick up, wash, dry, fold, and deliver all in 24 hours so you can get back to doing the things you love!


Benefits of Using A Laundry Service

Laundry is one of the house chores that can be difficult to fit into your family’s busy schedule. Work, family, school, travel, and other social engagements can make one’s life get busy. That’s why when it comes to housekeeping, we are excited about any innovative solutions that can save us time. 

When you’re short on time, washing, drying, and folding a few loads of laundry can be a great hassle. Fortunately, we live in modern times where automatic washing machines and dryers substantially cut down on the time and labor that goes into doing laundry. 

On the other hand, there are households that do not have the space or luxury of owning their own washer and dryer. As a result, they are fitting in time-consuming trips to a laundry service facility during precious weekend hours when you should be relaxing.

This is where the significance and benefit of a laundry delivery service can have a huge impact on your life. 

What are the benefits of a Laundry Service?

It will save you time!

Lucy’s Laundry and Dry Cleaning knows that your time is priceless. We understand that your plate is already full of work, errands, family, social life, chores, and sleep. You don’t have to worry about laundry on your long list of things to do. 

Lucy’s Laundry teams ensure everyone to experience the most convenient and quality service.  

It provides less effort on your end!

A busy parent or professional usually doesn’t have enough limited time after a day’s work. That is one inspiration that drives Lucy’s Laundry and Dry Cleaning to offer various services that would fit into everyone’s laundry needs. 

Letting our team take care of your laundry will allow you to focus on more important things. This simply means that you have more time to do the things you enjoy the most. Spend time with your family and friends or just take that extra time to do something special for yourself.

It is definitely cost-effective!

Laundry service is definitely cost-effective when you consider that your time is precious. As the old proverb goes “ TIME is money!” 

We offer reasonable prices with a variety of services. All you have to do is schedule an appointment with us. we will pick up, wash, dry, fold, and deliver all in 48 hours or less so you can get back to doing the things you love!

Whether you need more time to get things done or simply want to enjoy your time off work by relaxing with friends and family, Lucy’s Laundry and Dry Cleaning is here to offer you an easy and affordable way to free up the hours you would normally commit to doing laundry each week.

Schedule now your first appointment.

Keeping Your Laundry Clean In this Crucial Time

Keeping your laundry clean is the primary goal of Lucy’s Laundry and Dry Cleaning. Most especially in these challenging times while dealing with a serious virus. 

It’s surreal with so many changes currently happening in our world. The team at Lucy’s Laundry is doing all that we can to comply with all safety regulations and protect our valued customers.

  • We are doing our part to support the fight against COVID19. 
  • Lucy’s Laundry Team makes sure your laundry is being cleaned and sanitized. 
  • We have been taking extra precautions to ensure that we create a clean and safe environment for both our customers and our employees. 

Your safety and the safety of others all depends on us coming together as a community. Our cooperation with one another is important to avoid the spread of viruses. 

It is our responsibility, to our community, to place guidelines that will help you and those surrounding you to properly wash your clothing in a way to help eliminate and prevent spreading viruses.

Regular cleaning of clothes will help in the prevention of spreading diseases. Thus, we have gathered several guidelines for you to help prevent the spread of the virus.

Here are Lucy’s Laundry Guidelines:

  • Do not shake dirty laundry. This minimizes the possibility of dispersing the virus through the air. Wash items in accordance with the directions. 
  • If possible, launder items using the warmest appropriate water setting for the items, and dry items completely. (Please note that dirty laundry that has been in contact with an infected person can safely be washed with other people’s items).
  • The hotter the wash, the better! (The CDC recommends washing items in a temperature of at least 140 degrees).
  • Use the dryer. According to research, viruses hate heat. Therefore, drying clothes will further prevent the spread of the disease.
  • Use the right amount of soap. Too much soap creates excess suds that enable dirt and grime to remain trapped inside the fabric. The right amount of soap will properly clean and then be rinsed from the clothing. 
  • Clean and disinfect clothes baskets, carts, and hampers. Clean these items as often as possible and use a bag liner, if available.

  • Above all, Wash your hands! 
    1. Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold)
    2. Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails.
    3. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. I suggest humming the “Happy Birthday” song from beginning to end twice. 
    4. Rinse your hands well under clean, running water. 
    5. Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them.

We will also be doing our part in helping prevent the spread of viruses with the following actions:

High Touch Sanitizing 

  • Lucy’s Laundry team is sanitizing high-touch surfaces every 2 hours for your safety. High touch surfaces including wash buttons, dials, and X-Changers.

Attendant Shifts & Gloves

  • Lucy’s Laundry team will be wearing gloves during all interactions with each other and customers.  
  • Attendant shifts will abide by social distancing to reduce attendant-to-attendant contact. 
  • All attendants will require doctor clearance if they display signs of sickness.

Wash Cycles & Detergent

  • We have confirmed with our vendors that our fluff- n- fold detergent is effective against viruses.  
  • Where possible, we will be moving to high-heat wash and high-heat dry.

Self-Serve Customers 

  • As a precaution, if a customer is displaying any signs of illness, we will be kindly asking them to leave the laundry in order to protect fellow customers, and employees. 

Lucy’s Laundry and Dry Cleaning offers different services:

  • Fluff n Fold Laundry Service
  • Commercial Laundry Service
  • Dry Cleaning Service
  • Self-Service Laundromat

Lucy’s Laundry and Dry Cleaning recognizes the importance of serving the community in these difficult times. That is why we are committed to helping and support you in this battle. 

Please feel free to reach out with any questions or comments.  Our hours of operation will remain consistent.  Any changes will be announced promptly as we follow the recommendations of the CDC and the American Government. 

We are the #1 full service residential and commercial laundry facility serving LA, OC, and the Inland Empire. Above all, we will continue to do so during this difficult time.

On behalf of Lucy’s Laundry team, we appreciate our community and look forward to working together to get through this challenging time. Together, we will heal as one,

Schedule your appointment today.

Lucy’s Laundry and Dry Cleaning Commitment to Serve

Lucy’s Laundry and Dry Cleaning is committed to serving you, especially in these difficult times. 

We are doing our part in helping to prevent the spread of the virus. The safety of our laundry team, clients, and customers is our highest priority. 

We offer different services that will definitely give you many reasons to choose Lucy’s Laundry when it comes to your laundry. 

Lucy’s Team makes sure we are providing you convenient high-quality service and a one-stop laundry service along with dry cleaning to your front door. We will happily pick up, wash, dry, and deliver in 24 hours at your home, hotel, or office. 

Lucy’s Laundry and Dry Cleaning 4 Core Services:

Fluff n Fold Laundry 

  1. When Lucy’s Laundry driver picks up your clothes, they will label it and place it in the vehicle. 
  2. As soon as your laundry is brought to our facility, it is weighed and retagged using our computer system. 
  3. Lucy’s Laundry attendant is assigned to your laundry from start to finish. Through each step in the process, your laundry is tagged. 
  4. Using high-tech front load washers and our custom engineered detergents, we keep your whites white and your colors bright. 
  5. We fold and sort your garments just as if they were presented to you by the retailer you bought them from. 
  6. We match socks and turn them right side out. 
  7. We then seal and package the groups for storage, or travel, or for the ease of putting away when they arrive. 
  8. We even hang collared shirts and pants that are ready to wear or can be kept directly in your closet. 
  9. We want you to feel like you are bringing home new clothes every time you open your laundry. 
  10. Before your laundry goes out for delivery, we reweigh it and check against the incoming weights for our final quality control check.

Commercial Laundry 

We service commercial businesses including hotels, restaurants, spas, hair and nail salons, churches, medical/dental practices, and fitness clubs all at competitive prices. In addition to that, we also service corporate businesses for employee concierge laundry and dry cleaning.

We offer this service with a big NO to the following: 

  • No contracts
  • No lost laundry
  • No extra charges
  • No Fuel Surcharge On Delivery
  • No Harsh Chemicals And Smells

We wash your laundry separately. We also offer flat press ironing work. You can try our service free of charge (25 lbs) and without obligation. We welcome small businesses. You will pay by the pound and not by the piece. 

Dry Cleaning Service

Lucy’s Laundry team is GREEN. This means that we make sure that the products and processes we provide are environmentally friendly. As a result, we provide GREEN (no harsh smelly chemicals) dry cleaning services for a one-stop service for all your laundry needs. 

Here are a few other things we are doing to provide Eco-friendly services to our customers:

  • We have new energy-efficient state of the art commercial washing machines in our facility that save on energy and water consumption
  • We use an environmentally-safe laundry detergent that does not pollute the environment. 
  •  Tank-less energy-efficient heaters supplied our filtered hot water
  • We recycle our wire hangers.
  • Electric delivery vehicles are one of our future plans.

Self-service Laundromat 

This service offers coin-operated washing machines and dryers for public use.  We offer a 10% cash bonus. We have a new state of the art on technology in our washers and dryers. 

The laundromat area is always clean and well-lighted. It has an abundant supply of filtered water with a tank-less hot water heater. 

The security cameras will definitely make you feel secured.  In addition to that, we provide free WiFi and 3 flat-screen TV’ to watch your favorite shows or movies while doing laundry.  This makes Lucy’s Laundry facility a perfect place to bring your kids with you while doing laundry. As a result, the laundry will never be a boring chore. 

We use the Vulcan water conditioner which is a high technology water treatment that cleans water-born solids.  You will notice the difference in that you use less detergent and your clothes will feel softer, clearer, and brighter.

We are the #1 full service residential and commercial laundry facility serving LA and OC. Above all, we are committed to serving you. Click here to schedule today to set up your  laundry service.